Insurance Management & CRM Software: A Case Study
Amtrust Mobile Solutions
AmTrust Mobile Solutions, previously known as TecProtec is a specialist provider of warranty, repair, and replacement, offering protection programs across Asia’s largest markets which include Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and The Philippines.
Location: Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Philipines
Industry: Financial Services

AmTrust Mobile Solutions, previously known as TecProtec is a specialist provider of warranty, repair, and replacement, offering protection programs across Asia’s largest markets which include Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and The Philippines. Founded in 1998, the company has earned an admirable reputation as an innovative, technology-driven provider of protection programs. Their parent company is one of the established companies that has grown with nearly 8,000 employees in more than 125 offices serving 70 countries around the globe, offering financial strength and global resources that businesses around the world would require for the long term.
The Challenges
AmTrust Mobile Solutions had been previously managing their business operations using NetSuite CRM. However, as their business started scaling up and growing into other countries, they realized that they needed to switch and move on to a system that would digitally transform their business and at the same time remain cost-effective.
They also understood that they needed to work with a technology partner and not just a software house or a reseller as their business requirements were unique and vary by the country. The lack of this automation in their present system made it extremely tedious and time-consuming since many of these processes had to be done manually. The sequence of these events and more led AmTrust Mobile Solutions to search for the right technology partner. After evaluating a number of solutions, they awarded the project to Second CRM.
The Solutions
- Having understood the reason as to why AmTrust Mobile Solutions needed to move on to another system, Second CRM introduced an operational cost savvy system that would benefit the client immediately as well as in the long run. This allowed AmTrust Mobile Solutions more room to breathe as well as to scale up its operations and geographical presence.
- Being in the device protection business, AmTrust Mobile Solutions has a very complex business process and lots of regulatory compliance which varies from country to country. Second CRM was a perfect fit for this as we own this solution in entirety and as such, we could build complex country-specific processes and tailor the solution to be a perfect fit and drive an all-around digital transformation exercise.
- The first thing that Second CRM did for AmTrust Mobile Solutions was to establish their core database of customers in one central location. With this, AmTrust Mobile Solutions now had a wealth of information that they previously did not have.
- The next thing that Second CRM did was to put the Policy Module in place. With the Policy Module, AmTrust Mobile Solutions could now store all policy related information in a digital fashion. All information related to the protection programs which includes the IMEI numbers of the devices, the Start & End Date of their customers’ policies, the Certificate of Insurance, the customers’ status etc. are now made available for easy retrieval.
- Second CRM worked on the above and besides that had also implemented a feature in the system that will automatically generate an Electronic Certificate (e-cert) based on the Coverage Type recorded in the module. The customized e-cert generated differs according to the countries it is issued from. Being a company that runs global operations, this implementation was one that was very complex as it had to take into account the various countries and the regulatory compliances. Second CRM had to do an in-depth study to understand all this and only then roll out this exercise.
- The next most important thing for AmTrust Mobile Solutions was the Claims Module. Second CRM now made is easy for the client to manage their claims. This was an exercise that benefitted both the client and their customers. As for the client, it changed the way conventional Claims Management was done with lots of automation kicking in complex workflows and multiple approval processes. And for their customers, it provided a better overall user experience.
- AmTrust Mobile Solutions uses the Survey module in Second CRM to collect responses submitted by their customers. After the claim status in the database has been successfully changed to ‘Phone Collected Closed’, the system will automatically send emails containing the URL of the survey to the customers. The team is now able to generate multiple reports based on the gathered responses. This allows them to analyze the responses and provide richer customer experience to their customers.
- Along with the above, Second CRM implemented a host of custom-made widgets that enable the team to keep up with their business activities such as Today’s Claims and Loss Ratio in Current Month through the Dashboards Module. Not limited to these, Second CRM’s Report Module was also deployed and that gave them hundreds of reports that previously used to take hours to weeks before they could be churned out. Now, real-time reports could be auto-generated and automatically sent to the relevant teams based on predefined schedules.
- Having been an innovative organization, AmTrust Mobile Solutions wanted to take their business to the next level by introducing a Self Servicing Customer Portal. Second CRM implemented this portal with all the complex workflows to handle multiple requests that would usually take up a lot of time at the Customer Service Team level. Today, their customers could do a lot of things on their own without taking up much of the Customer Service Teams’ time. This covers right from simple contact information updates to even online claim submission and status checking.
- Another innovative move from AmTrust Mobile Solutions was the introduction of Mobile Apps for both Androids and iPhone. Using this Mobile App, customers could also buy new policies, apply for claims through the mobile app or check status for existing claims and even renew their expiring policies. This has generally helped open up new sales channels which are direct to the consumers.
- Another module that Second CRM implemented for AmTrust Mobile Solutions was the Retail Partner Management module. This module has been extended to all their business partners who are now able to sell the same protection plans under their very own branding. As simple as it may sound, this was indeed a very complex rollout that has multiple integration points from Second CRMs’ core systems to all the partner branded portals and just like any other rollout, security had always been of utmost importance.
This entire engagement has indeed been a very complex implementation, not forgetting the fact that it was not a single country implementation but one that was across multiple countries and we at Second CRM are proud to be a vital part of it. Lots of business automation had been put in place and to a great extent, the entire operations had been digitally transformed. This was a huge success for AmTrust Mobile Solutions as well as Second CRM as we have successfully undertaken to transform multi-country operations in a single go. Many of the conventional ways of doing things in this industry had been changed. Lead time had been cut short and as a result, better customer experience has been delivered.
If you are keen to automate your business and would like to have a chat with any of our consultants to discuss your problems, you could call us at +603 8687 4433 or email us at